There’s a lot to look forward to when Independence Day rolls around. For example, picnics, barbecues, parades, and, of course, fireworks are sure to put a smile on your face. As you gather with family and friends to watch and light fireworks, make sure you have a memorable time. Furthermore, and even more importantly, know how to stay safe and keep your pets safe as well. In particular, practice some of these safety tips if you come to the Farmville Independence Day Celebration in Farmville, North Carolina.
Make Plans to Join the Community in Farmville
First, mark July 3 on your calendar. The day before Independence Day is the Farmville Independence Day Celebration to be held at the Walter B. Jones Town Common. The festivities begin at 6 p.m. and go until 9 p.m. In addition to fireworks, you can enjoy amazing food and live music. Pets are welcome at the celebration.
Considering Having Your Pet Miss the Fireworks
As much as you want your four-legged friend to experience the Fourth of July with you, she might have to sit out part of the festivities. Fireworks displays are loud. For example, the thunderous booms and high-pitched squealing can frighten pets. The noises can harm dogs’ ears, especially. In addition, the large crowds can agitate pets and make them uneasy. It may be best to head home with your pet before the fireworks go off.
Know Your Pet and How She’ll React
All pets are different in situations where there are big crowds and lots going on. Like people, pets react differently in these types of settings. Your best approach is to recognize your pet’s needs. Understand how she’ll respond and cope with the anxiety that can come during large gatherings and lots of stimulation and noise. If your pet has not done well in the past in these types of environments, you may have to leave her home or sit out the event yourself.
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ID Your Pet
In events such as the Farmville Independence Day Celebration, pets often respond to the sights and sounds by running. It’s not uncommon for pet owners to lose their furry companions on and around this holiday. As a result of these trends, you should be ready to prevent your pet from getting loose. Or, you should place safeguards so you can identify your pet easily. Have a current picture of your pet. Make sure your pet has an ID tag with your contact information included. Update your pet’s information if she has a microchip.
You can include your pet in this year’s Independence Day fun. Just make sure you follow these rules so your lovable companions can stay safe and enjoy the time with you.
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